Monday, May 31, 2010

The Weird Ones

Any readers out there might be noticing a trend in these posts by now. Perhaps. I'm firmly convinced that science fiction is one of the best literary genres out there. This contention is, I will admit, partly supported by the fact that almost all sci fi books have amazing covers. The Weird Ones, a short story anthology out of a pile of many I keep by my bedside, is no exception.

This one features something of a staple of sci fi book cover design: the highly detailed painting-of-aliens-in-outlandish-setting. Sadly, search though I might, the book gave no clues as to the designer of the cover. Bad form! However, what I am most in love with about this cover is the title:

There is really something delicious about the combination of colours there, and the slightly quirky, off-kilter sixties lilt to the typeface (this particular edition was published in 1967). If anyone knows which typeface it could be, I would love to know! This cover almost looks like it could be a poster for a band. Don't anyone get ideas!

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