Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Causes of the Civil War

Hello! The idea for this blog came to me the other day when researching for an essay which is, thankfully, behind me now. I was struck, for some reason, by the amazing design on the cover of one of the books I had been using, and decided to scan it to share with my friends. A few days later, I had an impulse to scan another, and decided that, rather than spamming my friends, I'd make it a regularish thing and give it its own blog to live in.
Hence, CoolBookCovers was born.

I'd like to kick us off by sharing with you the cover of the book that first struck me: The Causes of the Civil War, by Kenneth M. Stampp. The book's content is actually quite a useful study of the primary causes of the American Civil War through source documents, although the analyses are somewhat dated now. The book provided no information as to who had designed the cover, but look!

I'm sort of in love with the marching soldier stamps. One the one hand, this could be the most half-arsed attempt at a book cover ever; on the other, it could be genius. Either way, I like it.
Also, the editor's name is "Stampp" so it's sort of appropriate.

(If you guys have suggestions for other cool book covers, please send me a decent scan, a bit of a summary of what the book is about and, if possible, the designer of the cover! I'd love your input.)

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